Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Amiga devotions

When the kids were growing up in the 80s and 90s they had great entertainment playing games on the Amiga computer.  It was before its times in many ways with excellent sound as well as good graphics -- both supported by specialist chips.  With a hard drive attached it still is much like a modern Windows computer.

Joe has fond memories of many hours spent playing memorable Amiga games and I have happy memories of seeing the kids have so much fun.  I very much supported the fun by gradually acquiring a large number of games for it -- which I still have --  over a thousand of them

So Joe and I have recently been working on a computer museum, with the Amiga in pride of place.   Over the years I collected just about everything associated with the Amiga so we were in a position to mount a full Amiga setup in my living room.  The big challenge was to get a hard drive mounted as that was a bit unfamiliar.  Games in the old days were mostly played off floppy disks.  With the aid of the inestimable Jason and his magic soldering iron, we have however got all our old hardware working again and Joe did the work of getting the hard drive set up.  I had myself set up a hard drive 30 years ago but in the interim I had forgotten all the details. Joe is also working on indexing all our Amiga games -- many boxes of them.

So in pride of place in my living room there is now an Amiga setup that is as good as ever one was. I managed to accumulate four Amiga 500s before Amigas faded out from common use so if one fails we can always set up another.  I did for a few days have TWO full Amiga setups going -- with hard disks -- so for a brief moment we had an Amiga setup at my place that would have been impressive even in the old days.

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